Sunday, April 3, 2011


“He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will take care of the church of God?)”
1 Timothy 4:4-5

          Paul planted churches and selected elders to pastor the local congregations. When the apostle wrote to Timothy, he made clear the qualifications necessary to serve as an elder. One required duty was that a man’s home should be in order. The husband and father was “one who manages his own household well.” Paul proceeded to tell what a well-managed home meant. The children were to be kept under control by the father, who bore primary responsibility in their teaching and training. Sons and daughters were to grow up displaying “all dignity.” Their distinction communicated self-esteem, submission to authority, self- respect, and self control. Paul followed the instruction by pointing to the church. Only those who managed their own household earned the right to be an elder and manage God’s house.
          Every Christian should aspire for the spirit of an elder. Though only qualified men pastor in the church, all believers ought to desire to fit the profile of elder. In heart every child of God should want to practice such character qualities and behaviors. To achieve that goal, a sequential order is necessary. The Christian must submit every detail of life to the Lord, and allow the Bible to be the training manual. As God changes the inner man, those closest to the believer are to receive the first fruits of Christ alive within. This starts at home, serving in unconditional love, sacrifice, forgiveness, and humility.
          Families that last manage their households well. Many homes are fatherless due to their absence or simple neglect. When men fail their loved ones, they fail. Wise fathers amend their ways by making a quality decision. Dads should lift their hands to God and covenant to do all that Christ requires. Though the idea is often ignored today, the Lord expects the father to serve as head of the house. This calling demands that children enjoy a gospel-centered dad. Anything less than that guarantees hurting families and failing churches.
          Families that last manage their households well.